Work Portal
“Linking you to Canada’s First Nation, Metis and Inuit people”
A little bit about the Work Portal and our goal
Aboriginal Portal supports the efforts of Aboriginal people, communities and organizations, and businesses across Canada.
Aboriginal Portal offers affordable and practical solutions for businesses throughout Canada to showcase their companies and make your presence known to potential employees. Registered Aboriginal Portal members can take advantage of more solutions such as enhancing your business presence, self-publishing job postings, events and more…
As we continue to improve our services we have redeveloped our online platform making it easier for employers to post and maintain their postings – linking them with potential employees who post their resumes on the site and connecting them with potential employees who can easily check the site for job postings.
An additional option is to list Aboriginal Entrepreneurs and Businesses across Canada
If you are an Aboriginal community employment agency or organization become a partner and we will list two businesses annually for free for you. Also register your employment events, job fairs on the portal for free. Let's work together towards success.
For more information: